Allard Poelstra

+31 615542997

Title: wie een snor heeft kan em gewoon scheren...


This is not a legit proverb yet. It doesn't matter, what matters is... she should have shaved her moustache. One of the guys ? guys also shave their moustache.

Artist:   Allard Poelstra

Date:  2024

Edition nr:   3/3

With certification (anonymous purchasing is possible, please contact)

Interested ? Do a proposition/bid, and don't forget to mention the title of this masterpiece.

Title: Good things come to those who wait.


No moustache equals = ''Husband'' see 5th collection cartoon.

Artist:  Allard Poelstra

Date:  2024

Edition nr:   3/3

With certification (anonymous purchasing is possible, please contact)

Interested ? Do a proposition/bid, and don't forget to mention the title of this masterpiece.

Title: ''Keep you're friends close but you're enemies closer''


All themed up. This is a work of art !!! you know it, she knows it, and her moustache should have known better.

Artist:  Allard Poelstra

Date:  2024

Edition nr:  3/3

With certification (anonymous purchasing is possible, please contact)

Interested ? Do a proposition/bid, and don't forget to mention the title of this masterpiece.

TITLE: hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


Hoped for the best and her moustache made me bust a nut, Bolo going yolo proves it !!! see the 5th collection ''BOLO GOING YOLO''

This proverb is actually very positive so afterwards don't say ''oooh yeah he is such a prick this and that'' remember this piece of art.

Artist:  Allard Poelstra

Date:  2024

Edition nr:  3/3

With certification (anonymous purchasing is possible, please contact)

Interested ? Do a proposition/bid, and don't forget to mention the title of this masterpiece.

TITLE: oost west, thuis best.


Oost west, er hangen etensresten in d'r snor. Het rijmt niet maar dat maakt even niet uit want dit gratis consult moet er even uit.

Artist:  Allard Poelstra

Date:  2024

Edition nr:   3/3

With certification (anonymous purchasing is possible, please contact)

Interested ? Do a proposition/bid, and don't forget to mention the title of this masterpiece.

Title: beauty is in the eye of the beholder (doesn't need any metaphor)



Artist:  Allard Poelstra

Date:  2024

Edition nr:   3/3

With certification (anonymous purchasing is possible, please contact)

Interested ? Do a proposition/bid, and don't forget to mention the title of this masterpiece.

TITLE: Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today.


Gillette went broke because of inflation in Papoe new guinea, because cookiemonster ate all their profit and then he played a game of ping pong with pino and then pino bought all the shaving gear and this is why the fuck our moustache wearing friend has a moustache.

Artist:   Allard Poelstra

Date: 2024

Edition nr:    3/3

With certification (anonymous purchasing is possible, please contact)

Interested ? Do a proposition/bid, and don't forget to mention the title of this masterpiece.

Title: wie snor scheert zal snor oogsten


Laag, heel laag, maar het is wel zo, maar iedereen scheert zich gewoon vaker. Wij ook. One of the guys ben je pas als je je kan scheren.

Artist:   Allard Poelstra

Date: 2024

Edition nr:    3/3

With certification (anonymous purchasing is possible, please contact)

Interested ?
Do a proposition/bid, and don't forget to mention the title of this masterpiece.

Title: Dit gaat een brug te ver.


oooohh nu is het ineens ''snik snik'' einde van de expo.... ''dit gaat een snor te ver'' zou rondgaan in de wandelgangen...

Artist:   Allard Poelstra

Date:   2024

Edition nr:  3/3

With certification (anonymous purchasing is possible, please contact)

Interested ? Do a proposition/bid, and don't forget to mention the title of this masterpiece.

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